History section



Bodyscape, Handscape, Mindscape / video performance 5.30 min., VHS
Bodyscape, Handscape, Mindscape consists in metaphorical images resulted from superposing two or three pictures and a filmed projection on my body. It is a video poem based on a performance during which I'm writing words on my face and projecting slides on my face and body.

Inside / video performance, 30 sec., VHS
Inside is a 30" clip based on a performance. The still image representing my body is projected on my body. Meanwhile I leave the frame, keeping the body projection.


The Algorithms of Power / Beta SP
The Algorithms of Power is a metaphor suggesting a possible manipulation of Power by Power itself with media help.

Oldness / 11 min., Beta SP
Oldness is a documentary video poem about old age. A few old women told us their life's story. They made us live with them the main events that shaped their existence.

Passing / 4 min., Beta SP
Passing, a visual poem, presenting a succession of images - stone, water, volcanoes, fragments of old women faces, plaster moulds taken off my face, appropriated biological imagery, inner/outer landscapes - which ascribe new meanings to the metaphor of life and death. The words of the soundtrack are written by me in 1986.


The Wall in the Tower / video dance, 34 min., Beta SP
The Wall in the Tower was a dance multimedia show with videos on 3 monitors and a large wall projection. The video The Wall in the Tower mixed images from the show with images from the monitors and projection and boldly trying to bring out two emblematic states: introspection / immersion in one's own being - meditation. Relationship with the created world - power, manipulation, chance - The human's construction and deconstruction.


Mindscape I / 6 min., Beta SP
Mindscape I consists in slide projections on my face and body. Slides are taken after my collages and is a metaphor about our face as mirror of our inner life.


Brief Autobiography / 5 min., life Net performance
Brief Autobiography is based on a live Net performance, part of "The Future of the Present", Franklin Furnace Program, N.Y. Brief Autobiography is a serious / ironic shortcut through my life as artist, an immersion in my deep feelings. A final conclusion underlines the idea that the artist's life is a way of living


Globe / video performance, 5 min., Beta SP
Globe is a video performance consisting in a series of destructive actions upon the globe. The Globe as object becomes a toy in my hand. I am the Power and I decide the methods to destroy it. I cut, scratch, maltreat the globe. All these tortures signify wounds provoked along history by the incapacity of the human being to understand the world, by the impossibility to find away for living together. In our days the earth is not respected. We torture the Globe with our ignorance, our dirty way of behavior towards nature and The others. The video performance Globe tries in a metaphoric way to express this concept of carelessness towards our planet.


Mindscape II / 9 min., Beta SP
Mindscape II is a visual poem about seeing and body movements.


The Fence / 8 min., Beta SP
The Fence is a video poem about our common life, about local/global connectivity and about the care for the other. The Fence underlines the idea of parallel world - an intimate domestic world and the world dominated and manipulated by Power.


The Window with Memories / 7 min., DV AVI PAL
The Window with Memories is a video poem. The window of my house is a screen full with family memories.

Among the Cars / 2 min., DV AVI PAL
Among the cars is focused on the concept of urban aggressiveness. My body is surrounded by cars. I feel abandoned in an aggressive world.

Eurogame 'Bambilici' / video performance, 5 min., DV AVI PAL
Eurogame"Bambilici" is based on a game played by kids. The video Eurogame 'Bambilici' has a political connotation. It suggests chance, fate, manipulation...


Femslogan / video performance, 3 min., DV AVI PAL
Femslogan consists in a performance made with female students from the National University of Art from Bucharest and young women artists and represents an action of writing political and feminist slogans on arms and hands. The political slogans taken from an encyclopedia belong to political leaders. I have noticed that the slogans address and fully claim to be the male gender. I intervened changing or joining the feminine gender in the slogan structure. A feminist perspective, an ironic way of underlining the historically macho political approach.


DIVA / video performance, 4 min., DV AVI PAL
Diva is a performance representing my body moving in a repetitive gym exercise. My body as a mechanism of living is always in a hurry in order to become what the society expects from me as a woman. We are searching for our identity. We are yearning for a break.


DIVA Laura / 4 min. DV AVI PAL
DIVA Laura is the ordinary woman. She considers the ritual of her self-image cosmetization a natural practice which she includes in the crowded everyday mechanism of existence.


The Fist / 1 min., DV AVI PAL
The Fist consists in several educational texts which function as slogans and urge women to self-develop. The final image shows a fist during a sequence of repeated punches. On a backdrop of irony and sarcasm, this video symbolizes the attitude of a phallocratic society which often downplays or annuls women's competencies through brutal force and intolerance.


Local Policy 'Patriarchy' / video performance 2 min.24 sec., DV AVI PAL
We are living in a society dominated by male power. It exist a continuous control over the society through education, family, institutions, and religion by complex patriarchy machinery - a traditional political construct established to promote male privilege.


The Power never asks for forgiveness / video installation, two monitors, DV AVI PAL
The Power Never Asks for Forgiveness is a video installation with two monitors about the aggressiveness of the human society manipulated by the power in the favor of the 'happy few' which lost their humanity.

Video festivals / Art Biennials / Art Galleries (selected)

Dans la peau de la peau@ssie, Gal; Bon Appetite, performance, live Netcast, Galerie Rue Francaise by Miss China, Paris; 4th International Canakkale Biennial; VIENNAFAIR The New Contemporary; Good Girls Memory Desire Power, MNAC, Bucharest; Video Art International Festival, Camaguey; The Poetics of Politics, Propaganda Gallery, Warsaw; Frauen CIRCUS museum_phase 02, Schlos Hainfeld, Leitersdorf; View to the Lichthof, MODEM Debrecen; Aus Gegebenem Anlass 1989-2009, die offnung der grenzen, Hofburg, Vienna; Loop Romania, media exhibition, Beijing; Mit Macht zur Wahl / 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Europa / Ausstellun und Kunst im Kontext Frauenmuseum, Bonn; BB6 / Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art; GEGENUBERSTELLUNG Brucke Zwischen Sichtbarem und Unsichtbarem, Regensburg; International Women's Film Festival Dortmund, Cologne; FEMLINK, International Video-collage, N.Y.; 59 seconds, N.Y.; FAC Montevideo; For the first five, Neubrandenburg; Cosmopolis Contemporary Art Museum, Thessalonique; Nuit Blanche de la Video Roumaine, La Chaufferie, Strasbourg ; Mediawave Festival Gyor; We Are the Weather, Second Biennial of Contemporary Visual Arts by Balkan Female Artists, Sofia; Videos, Studio DVO, Bruxelles; Switch Media Art Festival Pathiharm Electron, Chiang Mai; DokumentART festival, Neuebrandenburg; New Moves, Edinbourg; Kurzfilmtage'98, Oberhausen; Filmwinter festival, Stuttgart; Videomedeja, Novisad; 2E Manifestation International video et art electronique Montreal, Champ Libre; FIV9 Festival International de video, Buenos Aires; Media Art from the Middle of Europe, YYZ, Artists'Outlet Gallery Toronto; Stereo-Tip femstival, Ljubljana; Naturally Ernst Museum, Budapest; Women Light up the Night, International Slide Show, Tacheles Kunsthof, Berlin.